last week i had a trip to the tooth-doctor.mummy noticed that i really didnt like my drinks despite being offered a very wide choice from veggie water...yummmy peppermint tea...very soothing if your tummy is just boiled water...plain boring and yuck! she also noticed that i favoured taking to my fleece blankie with binky bear rather than charging around the palace like a loonie!
tuesday we saw matt-a very clever two foot who put something in my mouth and said it was very sore and needed to be looked at because my teeth were doing nasty things.he gave me two jabs-i didn't flinch and was a very big brave bunny...i only stamped my feet once....and we were told to come back and see him early next morning and i would get a good snooze and the problem would be fixed. mummy was really worried-but back at the palace she gave me some lovely food and the magic stuff matt gave me meant i could eat all my goodies...i was given extra nice goodies like grapes, strawberries and cucumber because i didn't like drinking.
i was thinki
ng back to the last time i had to go to matt and have a snooze..if i remember rightly i came back missing my boy bits-not that i was too bothered as i kept biting them-they got in the way at washtime..but they did sting and i had this odd strange blue coloured fur in my privates area and i remember having a terrible hangover and feeling dopey and i think the earth moved....mummy said it was an earthquake!
mummy was really nice tuesday night and let me snuggle on her duvet for cuddles-mummy always gets really worried when i have to go to the vets. i fell to sleep on her duvet and made her giggle as became just a huge puddle of fluff in her squishy duvet.i got a bit grumpy when she moved me back to my big boys bedroom but i soon snuggled with binky bear.
wednesday morning mummy came to wake me up, made herself a coffee and got two or more biscuits and we snuggled on her duvet for a lovely long cuddle and some biscuit munching as a tread...mummy was still very worried. she got dressed and took me to the vet place.lovely lisa (my fave nursie) did some paperwork stuff with mummy, plonked me on the cold white things and told mummy i am now 1.93kg!(whatever that means) mummy gave me a good long cuddle and i went off with lisa in my carrier box-i showed mummy i was a big brave bunny but i knew i was fine as i was with my binky bear.
dont really remember munch but woke up with a bit of a headache and was given the lovely pack up mummy had made me..eating definately felt better as the nasty sharp bits were tongue and mouth were still sore. mummy came to get me not long after-although i didn't mind waiting as had lots of fuss from my nursie pals! at home mummy settled me and went off to see her own vet and get sorted. i spent most of my afternoon snoring but eating was definately easier. mummy had to give me my medicine-she tricked me at first by putting it in my shredded wheat with fruit in, but on thursday i knew it didn't taste right so she has been giving it me via a tube thingee and all i can say is it tastes yucky yuck yuck!mummy says i have one more dose to take and that i need to start drinking liquids's hard as not sure if it will hurt or not but had the plain boiled stuff last night and got lots of praise from mummy!
well best go i need to do some more binkies to make mummy laugh!